Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Some Fun for Your Weekend!

This was a holiday weekend for many people, with time away from chores (too rainy for yard work, anyway, at least around here) and time with family.  All generations of my family live far away, so I've had time for some quilting, but nothing ready to show you just yet.  So I've concocted a little quiz for you!  It isn't about quilts or quilting; no specialized knowledge is required.  (Although quilters, who have a reputation of looking for their mistakes from the Brooklyn Bridge, may have a leg up).

(Note:  this post was supposed to go on line over Easter/Passover weekend.  But it was delayed when our internet connection went belly-up.  After going through two routers and two modems, the cause remains a mystery, but at least we're back!)

Quiz time!

These wonderful pictures are from an alphabet fabric panel.  Your task is to identify as many items as you can in each picture that start with the letter in that picture.  There are at least four items in each picture.

Be aware that some of the pictures have two or three letters in them, but there are still usually four "hidden" items.  Watch for subtle elements in the picture -- not everything is a "thing." Also, the fabric comes from England, so be aware that some of the items may refer to an English, rather than an American, word.  And some things may refer to old-fashioned names that younger people may not recognize.  So this is a family affair!

Send me your answers along with your email address in the Comments section at the bottom of the post.  In a couple of weeks I'll post my list as well as anything you found that I missed.  A winner will be chosen by drawing from a hat one name among all those who found everything in my list.  There will even be a prize!   Enjoy!

Aren't these drawings wonderful?!  Just enchanting.

Keep an eye on the wallpaper!

Hmm. what kind of house are these animals living in?

You did it!  I'll look forward to hearing from you with your answers!

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